Reducing pet overpopulation and shelter overcrowding, 1 pet at a time!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Parker Paws SNIP Grant Awardees

As the year comes to a close and Parker Paws reaches the end of its journey, we wanted to make sure that the great strides we have made in our community helping to reduce pet overpopulation would continue.

In August, we invited select organizations to submit proposals for SNIP Grants. All proposals received were compelling and each offered different benefits to pet owners.  After a careful review, the Parker Paws board of directors decided to award grant money to three organizations which, combined, would continue to offer low/no cost spay and neuter services to pet owners in most of the communities supported today by the Parker Paws SNIP program.  Grant monies will be disbursed to:

Allie’s Haven Animal Rescue


Weatherford Whiskers


We expect grant monies to help them assume the work we have been doing with SNIP through their own spay/neuter programs beginning 1/1/2025.

We hope you will extend the same generous support to these organizations that you’ve so kindly given us over the years. Together, let’s continue to serve our community and make strides in reducing pet overpopulation and continue Parker Paws’ legacy!






Applications are CLOSED! Due to the pending closure of our organization on December 31, 2024, October is the last month we accepted applications for our SNIP program. Approved October applicants and those on our wait list will be given a voucher for each pet to be used at Millsap Vet Clinic or Weatherford Animal Clinic. Although Parker Paws is closing and our SNIP program is ending, we are currently negotiating with a nonprofit organization to assume our SNIP program with starter funding which will allow them to continue to provide this much needed service in our community. We expect to make an announcement on our website, , and Facebook page:, on December 1, 2024.

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